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Menstrupedia the book has sold 1000 copies from September 2014 and its second edition in English and Hindi will soon be available. And I hope we will soon be known worldwide for our simple effort of creating awareness about menstruation. More important is the awareness to be able to freely talk about this biological process.

Considering the taboo around talks relating to menstruation in India, a husband-wife duo have come up with an innovative way to spread awareness about the issue that is so crucial yet so ignored by parents while guiding their daughters about puberty. Aditi Gupta and Tuhin Paul have taken nearly two years to convert their digital initiative on educating girls on the ‘forbidden’ topic to come up with a comic book on the same – Menstrupedia

Luckily, Aditi Gupta, the founder of Menstrupedia has decided to “touch the pickle” and educate people about a subject that is often considered taboo and embarrassing, through her website Menstrupedia. It is very inspiring to see a girl from a conservative, middle-class family hailing from Garhwa, a small town in Jharkhand, educate the society on menstrual health and hygiene.
Aditi Gupta and her social start-up Menstrupedia. com have received praise from all around the world ever since the launch of the website that seeks to shatter India's age-old taboo surrounding a girl's first period in October 2012. It took her almost two more years to bring out what is probably India's first comic book on a girl's first menstruation.

Two motivated youngsters- Tuhin Paul and Aditi Gupta felt a strong urge to change the outlook and perspective of people regarding menstruation and came up with Menstrupedia ( Tuhin Paul, talks about Menstrupedia and what it aims at achieving.

In many ways, the popularity of Menstrupedia lies in its ability to bring several people in on the efforts to spread the word. In the past year, nine workshops have been conducted by volunteers in Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Delhi, Patna, Ladakh and Mumbai, to educate young girls and women with the help of the comic-book prototype, which contained a brief introduction to the subject and the four characters, including Priya Didi. According to Paul, over 500 girls have been reached and "we hope to reach 3 million in the next three years."

The Menstrupedia comic has since made it into at least one corner of nearly every segment of Indian society, from the glass towers of Kolkata to the thatch huts of villages to the tin roofs of slum dwellings. Even nuns in Buddhist monasteries have seen the comic and put its information to use.

Aditi Gupta was 11 years old when the sight of her bloodstained underwear sent her into a tizzy of confusion, shock and panic. After she was offered a quick solution — a cloth — as women across generations in her family had been using, an awkward celebration of her “womanhood” followed.

Meet Aditi Gupta, co-founder of Menstrupedia, an online encyclopedia with information, myths, FAQs, blogs, interactive videos and comic strips on menstruation.

A new website and comic book called "Menstrupedia" aims to shatter the taboo surrounding periods in conservative India, where millions of girls face social discrimination, reproductive health problems and low self-esteem due to lack of awareness about menstruation.

My personal journey from a girl to a lady has been difficult, as I made the journey through myriad of taboos and misconceptions that came along. While the pain and inconveniences are real, a lot could be done to make the girl more knowledgeable in this area. Menstrupedia, founded by Aditi Gupta, Tuhin Paul and Rajat Mittal aims to solve this problem by using their design skills to print comic strips and debunk the myths surrounding this regular phenomenon in women’s lives.

How often has an Indian mother shushed her teenaged daughter as she inadvertently uttered the M-word in company? Too often for Aditi Gupta’s comfort. To the point that the new media graduate from National Institute of Design (NID) now dreams of a future where menstruation is not a taboo subject but a welcome change in a girl’s life.

In country like India and south-east countries where women have lot of myths and disbelief about this natural phenomena of women , aims at spreading awareness about menstruation and shatter myths around the subject.

We got talking with Aditi Gupta, from the team of Menstrupedia who have gotten their creative hands channelized to burst out the myth bubble surrounding periods, menarche and everything around growing up.

Gupta and her husband Tuhin Paul, both graduates of Ahmedabad’s National Institute of Design, decided to set up a website called Menstrupedia to break the taboo. The “friendly guide to healthy periods” offers information on puberty and sexuality for pre-teens and teens.

The couple, who are both graduates of the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad, hope their blog posts, video journals and online comic strips help explain the science behind the monthly cycle and provide a forum where the usually off-limits subject can be discussed without fear or shame.

Menstrupedia is a self-defined "friendly guide to periods which helps girls and women to stay healthy and active during their periods." That description couldn't be any more perfect! The website is simple yet incredibly informative; it treats the subject of menstruation both frankly and warmly.

For many girls in India, the memory of their first periods is filled with moments of shock and embarrassment. Such moments find their way into a comic book by Menstrupedia’s founders, designer couple Aditi Gupta and Tuhin Paul and programmer, Rajat Mittal.

"Comic books are a popular and extremely efficient medium of engaging with our target audience," says Aditi Gupta, 29, co-founder of and marketing strategist for Menstrupedia. "They leave a lasting impact on young minds and can transmit information where verbal communication would most likely fail."

Most girls, like their mothers, go through their lives believing and imposing restrictions based on myths that hamper their confidence and esteem. In a bid to change this, three entrepreneurs—Aditi Gupta, Tuhin Paul and Rajat Mittal—have created, a web site that explains menstruation and breaks the myths.

Aditi recently set up 'Menstrupedia' to spread awareness about menstruation and dispel the myths that surround this basic bodily function even in these modern, information-driven times.

NID graduate Aditi Gupta cofounded Menstrupedia with the intention of presenting the information about menstruation in a way that is not only easy to understand but also sensitive towards the taboo nature of the subject.

Though there is a lot of change in the mindset of the society, Periods is still not discussed openly. This results in dissemination of wrong information. Aditi and Tuhin understood the need to share more information and started the website named aimed at teenage girls

Don't enter the kitchen. Don't wash your hair. Don't touch that bottle of pickle. Improvements in level of education and age notwithstanding, many Indian women still end up imposing these and several other restrictions on themselves every month. The belief that the menstrual cycle renders them impure is the root cause behind such impositions. Three young entrepreneurs are now working to bring out a comic on reproductive health to dispel such myths.

Enter, an Ahmedabad- based website run by trio Aditi Gupta, Tuhin Paul and Rajat Mittal. The site aims to debunk myths surrounding menstruation and puberty and offers helpful information in a simple, easy-to-read format. Menstrupedia comes from Aditi’s own experiences.

Aditi Gupta on how Menstrupedia is tackling the existing lack of proper approach and knowledge on pubescent development in the digital age
There is plenty of material around the topic of Menstruation on the web. The problem lies in its academic nature. Taking useful facts out of such textual information is extremely hard with the current content on the web.

Aditi Gupta studied Science and Technology, but branched on to Design. Aditi tells us about how and why she started Menstrupedia

Creators of an educative website on periods for adolescents, Aditi, Tuhin and Rajat talk about their ideas and the way ahead
When it comes to the topic of periods or puberty, there are a lot of myths that go along and Aditi Gupta decided to do something about it. In October last year, Aditi Gupta along with Tuhin Paul and Rajat Mittal, launched, a website aiming to provide reliable information on menstruation to adolescents.

A thick hard-bound research report with the student name etched in gold on the black cover, stacked away in a college library. Unfortunately, that’s the fate of most student research projects.
Meet Aditi Gupta, who chose to ensure her college project is more than just a hard-bound report. A post graduation research scholar at National Institute of Design, India, Aditi turned her project into an entrepreneurial venture to spread awareness on a taboo subject in India – menstruation

This edition of Young Turks showcases guests who are using their education at the National Institute of Design or NID to help young girls transition to womanhood. In a majority of Indian homes, conversations about menstruation are taboo. Young girls are left to face the confusion of growing up alone with little support or council. So, Ahmedabad based entrepreneurs Aditi Gupta, Tuhin Paul and Rajat Mittal founded menstrupedia late last year to help girls cope with their changing bodies.

Experiencing comparable menstruation-related problems and the lack of easily available information on the subject compelled Aditi Gupta to take up a research project in this domain which further seeded the idea for Menstrupedia, a fun and resourceful guide to healthy menstruation.