How can a girl or a woman stay prepared for her menstruation on a regular basis?
The key to dealing with menstruation is to be prepared for it. This involves predicting when you will have your next period and then, making preparations for it in advance. Four measures that you should keep in mind to be prepared for your next period are as follows:
- Keeping track of your menstrual cycle
- Analysing the cervical mucus
- Keeping a sanitary pad or tampon handy
- Staying healthy and confident

1.Keeping track of menstrual cycle
You can keep track of your menstrual cycle by marking the days when you're having your period on a calendar every month. In this way you can, not only know how many days your period lasts, but you will also stay informed on the length of her menstrual cycle.
The length of the menstrual cycle can be calculated by counting the number of days between the first day of your period and the first day of next period. If you have access to a computer or a smart phone, then you can use a variety of software and applications to keep track of your menstrual cycle. In the beginning you may experience irregular periods and it might take several months for your periods to become regular.

2. Analysing the cervical mucus
Cervical mucus is secreted by the cervix. It moistens the walls of the vagina and is expelled from it from time to time. To take a sample of the cervical mucus, you should insert clean fingers in the vagina and check the colour and texture of the mucus on them.
Just before and after menstruation the cervical mucus decreases in quantity, looks white in colour and feels sticky. Around the time of ovulation the mucus increases in quantity, looks transparent and feels slippery like raw egg white.
Thus before menstruation, a thick, white and sticky cervical mucus will indicate high probability of the start of your period in a few days.

3. Keeping a sanitary pad or a tampon handy
It is impossible to predict the exact time and the situation when your period may begin. Hence it is a good idea to keep a sanitary pad or a tampon handy at least when you are expecting your period in a few days. Tampons and even the slim sized napkins are small enough to easily fit in a purse.
In case you also experience abdominal cramps during menstruation, you might also like to keep a few, over the counter, pain relievers handy. These measures will ensure that your period does not come in the way of your daily routine.

4. Staying healthy and confident
Staying healthy and confident is as important as any other measure that you can take to be prepared for menstruation. Leading a healthy and stress free life can keep your the menstrual cycle regular and uniform. On the other hand, a stressful and unhealthy lifestyle can disrupt your menstrual cycle and you will not be able to predict when you will have your next period. A balanced diet consisting of adequate amounts of essential nutrients and feeling confident is essential for your physical and mental well being.

- unicef, Indian ministry of rural development(2008), Sharing simple facts: A guidance book on menstrual hygiene management
- Cervical Mucus and Your Menstrual Cycle,
- Age 25, Entire cycle,
- Cervical mucus method,